Medicinal Marihuana Home
Medicinal Marihuana Logo Cannabis flos SIMM 18from the Bureau voor Medicinale Cannabis - The Hague, The Netherlands Cannabis flos SIMM 18from the Bureau voor Medicinale Cannabis - The Hague, The Netherlands

Medicinal Marihuana?

In cannabis there are a lot of active substances. The exact activity of these substances is unkown. The most important substances are measured in the laboratory. The substances are dronabinol and cannabidiol. Of all the other substances a fingerprint is made to verify that all these substances are present in the cannabis in the same amount every time.

(Dronabinol is the official name of the substance also known as THC).


Cannabis Flos - (Medicinal cannabis from The Netherlands: Cannabis flos variety SIMM 18)

(Medicinal cannabis from The Netherlands: Cannabis flos variety SIMM 18)


Possible effectiveness:

There are a lot of diseases mentioned where cannabis could be beneficial. In many cases there is no scientifically proof of effectiveness. The Office of Medicinal Cannabis (OMC) states that at the following disorders a faire chance of effect can be expected of cannabis.

  • Spasticity with pain, for instance at
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Spinal cord injury
  • Nausea and vomiting by
    • Chemotherapy
    • Radiotherapy
    • Treatment with HIV-medication
  • Chronic neuralgic pain
  • Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome
  • Palliative treatment of cancer and HIV/AIDS

In most cases the evidence is limited to individual experiences. So don't put your expectations to high. A physician may prescribe cannabis for different indications than above.



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2005 IACM 3rd Conference on Cannabinoids in Medicine:

in Leiden, on 9-10 September 2005, The International Association for Cannabis as Medicine in cooperation with the Office for Medicinal Cannabis of the Dutch Health Ministry and the University of Leiden would like to invite you to participate in the 2005 Meeting of the IACM on September 9-10, 2005 at Leiden University, The Netherlands.
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